We all know that economic growth and business success are some of the essential pillars and backbones wealth is build on in our society.


The result of all that economic striving day in and day out puts us in a position to give something back – a basic but amazing principle of our free market economy.


And giving back does not always have to be on the scale of Bloomberg Philanthropies – and therefore, does not need the seven digit scale of funds for social engagements. This is why we have selected a small foundation in California for our Iptor #MakeADifference charity this spring.


So, what really does count? According to EU Eurostat and the US Environmental Protection Agency, around half of the global greenhouse gas emission result from Agriculture and Electricity and Heat production, each coming close to around 25% of global emissions. Within that, 15% of the world’s carbon emissions result from livestock and animal farming, of course with significant differences by country.

In May last year, I had the opportunity to discuss environment and climate at a conference in the US with NBC chief meteorologist and Emmy award winner John Morales. Two things he shared have really stuck in my mind. The first was when he said that “an even slightly warmer atmosphere can hold more water and therefore change weather dynamics significantly. Meaning we will not necessarily see more weather phenomena and weather caused emergencies, but the ones we will see will be much more intense and devastating.”


The second was around the impact on people living on this planet. According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2020, many of those countries at long-term climate risk are those that might generally be considered to be “less well off”. Therefore, the price of carbon emission from mass animal farming and electricity consumption is often paid by people that receive significantly less benefit from these than those living in industrial countries. As an example, the UN has warned that climate change threatens one in three Bangladeshi children.


The Iptor multiflex Base Module covers all your day-to-day business processes. The price varies depending on the number of user and starts at just €35 / user / month, based on a 12 month subscription. This includes:


– Unlimited access to all functionalities of the Base Module. 

– 10 days of personal guided onboarding.

– Easy self-service update on a monthly basis. 

Get in touch with us and schedule a free tour — no strings attached. Our team will gladly provide you with a demo and show you how to get started!

De Iptor multiflex Base Module dekt al uw dagelijkse bedrijfsprocessen. De prijs varieert afhankelijk van het aantal gebruikers en begint bij slechts €35 / gebruiker / maand, gebaseerd op een 12 maanden abonnement. Dit omvat:



– Onbeperkte toegang tot alle functionaliteiten van de basismodule. 

– 10 dagen persoonlijke begeleiding bij het inwerken.

– Eenvoudige en automatische updates op een maandelijse basis.

Neem contact met ons op en plan een gratis rondleiding – zonder verplichtingen. Ons team geeft u graag een demo en laat u zien hoe u aan de slag kunt!

Le module de base Iptor multiflex couvre l’ensemble de vos processus commerciaux quotidiens. Le prix varie en fonction du nombre d’utilisateurs etcommence à seulement 35€ / utilisateur / mois, sur la base d’un abonnement de 12 mois. Il comprend :


– Accès illimité à toutes les fonctionnalités du module de base. 

– 10 jours d’accompagnement personnalisé.

– Mise à jour mensuelle facile en libre-service.

Prenez contact avec nous et et planifiez une visite gratuite – sans engagement. Notre équipe se fera un plaisir de vous fournir une démonstration et de vous montrer comment commencer !

Das Iptor multiflex Basismodul deckt alle Ihre täglichen Geschäftsprozesse ab. Der Preis hängt von der nach Anzahl der Nutzer ab und beginnt ab nur 35 € / Nutzer / Monat, basierend auf einem 12-Monats-Abonnement. Dies beinhaltet:


– Unbeschränkter Zugang zu allen Funktionen des Basismoduls. 

– 10 Tage persönliches Onboarding.

– Einfache monatliche Aktualisierung durch Selbstbedienung. 


Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf und vereinbaren Sie eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Tour. Unser Team wird Ihnen gerne eine Demo zur Verfügung stellen und Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie loslegen können!