Iptor Multiflex

The flexible ERP for the Utilities Industry

✓ Ideal for energy and utility companies
✓ Flexible solution for your unique challenges

✓ Secure and reliable on-premise hosting



Tailor processes according to your needs.


Host all data in a secure cloud solution.


Activate and pay only for the options you use.


Optimize processes and reduce your carbon footprint.



At Iptor, we understand the unique challenges faced utility providers – may it be water, gas or electricity. That’s why we offer Iptor multiflex, a comprehensive business management solution that tailors your processes to meet the needs of your business.


For energy utilities the future lies in centralizing and interconnecting all processes, as they digitally transform their infrastructure. This offers an opportunity to use data for better outcomes and reduced energy waste. Iptor multiflex covers all the processes in the utilities industry, including stock management, project planning, pipe flow metering, automated supplier enquiries and much more.


Iptor multiflex automates all your work processes, allowing you to coordinate with on site construction teams efficiently. Our solution also provides real-time inventory tracking, enabling you to monitor stock levels across multiple locations and make informed decisions.

The most important FEATURES at a glance

Manage multiple warehouses

Iptor multiflex offers a reliable inventory management solution, including proof of stock movements across multiple locations.

Handle ENERGY meters

Whether it’s water, electricity or gas, our ERP system brings you an array of powerful tools, enabling your utilities company to:

Advanced Quality Control

Quality control is a critical aspect for water meter recording (as well as electricity and gas). With Iptor multiflex you can:

Automate supplier inquiries

Optimize your procurement processes and ensure quick decision making . With Iptor multiflex you can: 

Plan materials for construction projects

Iptor Multiflex ERP is a valuable tool for utility companies to efficiently plan the materials required for their construction projects. How it works:


Familiarize yourself with Iptor multiflex by reading our case studies or by scheduling a free tour — no strings attached. Our team will gladly provide you with a demo and show you how to get started!

„With the meter logistics module from mx.ERP, we are now aiming for the consistent digitalization of meter life. In addition to warehouse management, our joint project team has also developed a quality management system and implemented it in the software for us. We are very satisfied with the result.“

— Henning Karl, General Manager at ENERVIE Vernetzt


Companies from a wide range of industries have put their trust in our business solutions:




The Iptor multiflex Base Module covers all your day-to-day business processes. The price varies depending on the number of user and starts at just €35 / user / month, based on a 12 month subscription. This includes:


– Unlimited access to all functionalities of the Base Module. 

– 10 days of personal guided onboarding.

– Easy self-service update on a monthly basis. 

Get in touch with us and schedule a free tour — no strings attached. Our team will gladly provide you with a demo and show you how to get started!

De Iptor multiflex Base Module dekt al uw dagelijkse bedrijfsprocessen. De prijs varieert afhankelijk van het aantal gebruikers en begint bij slechts €35 / gebruiker / maand, gebaseerd op een 12 maanden abonnement. Dit omvat:



– Onbeperkte toegang tot alle functionaliteiten van de basismodule. 

– 10 dagen persoonlijke begeleiding bij het inwerken.

– Eenvoudige en automatische updates op een maandelijse basis.

Neem contact met ons op en plan een gratis rondleiding – zonder verplichtingen. Ons team geeft u graag een demo en laat u zien hoe u aan de slag kunt!

Le module de base Iptor multiflex couvre l’ensemble de vos processus commerciaux quotidiens. Le prix varie en fonction du nombre d’utilisateurs etcommence à seulement 35€ / utilisateur / mois, sur la base d’un abonnement de 12 mois. Il comprend :


– Accès illimité à toutes les fonctionnalités du module de base. 

– 10 jours d’accompagnement personnalisé.

– Mise à jour mensuelle facile en libre-service.

Prenez contact avec nous et et planifiez une visite gratuite – sans engagement. Notre équipe se fera un plaisir de vous fournir une démonstration et de vous montrer comment commencer !

Das Iptor multiflex Basismodul deckt alle Ihre täglichen Geschäftsprozesse ab. Der Preis hängt von der nach Anzahl der Nutzer ab und beginnt ab nur 35 € / Nutzer / Monat, basierend auf einem 12-Monats-Abonnement. Dies beinhaltet:


– Unbeschränkter Zugang zu allen Funktionen des Basismoduls. 

– 10 Tage persönliches Onboarding.

– Einfache monatliche Aktualisierung durch Selbstbedienung. 


Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf und vereinbaren Sie eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Tour. Unser Team wird Ihnen gerne eine Demo zur Verfügung stellen und Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie loslegen können!